Access Policies

JupyterHub access has two general categories of use, with different means of access depending on the specifics of each use case:

  1. Exploring and experimenting with cloud computing - this includes Openscapes Champions, and Openscapes Mentors and instructors building expertise in the environment. The users are given access to the Hub by membership in a GitHub Team in the relevant GitHub organization.
  2. Workshop participants - Participants in workshops hosted by Mentors, Openscapes, or collaborators. The type of workshop will dictate the mode of access, depending on requirements determined by workshop leads:
    1. Workshops where learners require access after the workshop (up to three months), and/or GitHub workflows are part of the curriculum. These workshops should use GitHub Team-based access.
    2. Workshops where learners do not require access to the hub after the workshop, and GitHub is not being taught as part of the lessons. These workshops should use shared password access.

Obtaining Access to an Openscapes Hub

Access via a GitHub Team

Access is controlled by the Openscapes Team, who oversee the management of the Hub and Cloud costs.

There is a GitHub organization for each Hub, and within each organization our JupyterHub users are managed in two (or more) GitHub Teams:

  • Long-term access: This access is for Openscapes mentors and team, staff and others who request a longer-term engagement.
  • Openscapes Champions: This access is for teams that participate in the NASA or NOAA Openscapes Champions Program. These teams have access for up to a year as they experiment with migrating their workflows to the Cloud.
  • Workshops that teach GitHub workflows: We create additional GitHub teams to manage participants’ access. These teams have access for 3 months as they experiment with migrating their workflows to the Cloud.

Instructions for admins on how to add people to the hub using GitHub

Access via a shared password

Access is provided on the day of the workshop with a common, global password. The password will be provided to participants at the start of the workshop, and participants will log in with their email address and the shared password. This access method allows us to ensure all workshop participants have easy access for the workshop, without having prior familiarity with GitHub. In general, access to the Hub with a workshop shared password will persist for seven days post-workshop.

Instructions for admins on how to set up a shared-password workshop

Allowable Uses of 2i2c Hub

Users who access the Openscapes Hubs agree to use the Hub only for work on activities related to the collaboration with Openscapes. Generally, recommended instance size is the smallest instance (1.9GB RAM and up to 3.75 CPUs).

Running large or parallel jobs over large geographic areas or over long temporal extents should be cleared with the Openscapes Team by submitting an issue to the repository.

Removal From the Openscapes Hub

The Openscapes Hubs are a shared, limited resource that incur real costs. Users are granted access under the terms above and are removed at the end of those limits. Users that haven’t accessed the Hub in more than six months are also removed for security purposes.

We will do our best to alert users before they lose access to the Openscapes Hub. However, we reserve the right to remove users at any time for any reason. Users that violate the terms of access or incur large Cloud costs without prior permission from the Openscapes Team will be removed immediately.

Data storage policies

Policies on data storage and use of the HOME directory can be found in the data policies page.